Andrew Potter, singer/songwriter, guitar
Janet Thornburg, Plum Ascending
Have you ever heard the voice of your mom or dad inside your head, saying something like, “You really should do your taxes before you continue binge-watching The Great British Bake-Off”? Some call it the voice of the superego, but others consider it the voice of one of your sub-personalities. Enter the colorful inner world of Hannah, Raisin, Plum, Mauve, Rosie, and Wild Child, and see how a group of sub-personalities navigates the challenges of aging and how they reach a temporary resolution on Halloween.
Elaine Magree, OTHER
Elaine sets out with an ex- nun and a box of ashes to untangle the story of her mixed heritage. From the museums of Portland to The Columbia River Basin homeland, she journeys into outrage, irreverence and, finally, forgiveness.
Barbara Saunders, You and I While We Can
How do you keep your schooling from getting in the way of your education? You find the teachers hidden in plain sight, write your own lessons, and take the kinds of risks you know you shouldn’t.
Bennet Caffee, The Catacombs (excerpt)
When twenty-one year old Bennet Caffee is admitted to a psych ward they have his name wrong as Dayle Bennet and he’s sure it’s a sign. From now on he’s just “Bennet” and he knows why he’s there. He just can’t talk about it.
About the Performers
Andrew Potter hails from Jamestown, Rhode Island, and delivers great syncopated finger-style guitar work in blues, jazz, and folk genres. His latest album, I Haunt My Own House is co-written with his long-time cohort, Mr. Wheeler Cole. Potter’s driving syncopated guitar style and Cole’s snarky and sublime lyrics create vivid musings on family, love, hope, fate and regret.
Janet Thornburg has written and performed eight full-length solo shows in San Francisco. Most recently, she presented two new pieces, How’d You Get That Baby? (2022) and The Worry-O-Meter (2023) at The Marsh and at StageWerx Theatre in San Francisco. janetthornburg.com
Elaine Magree is a Founder’s Fellow at 3Girls Theatre. She has acted and directed at Bay Area theatres, up and down the west coast, and in New York City. Her solo shows were twice nominated for Theatre Bay Area Awards. Her first solo show, Other, will be presented at Marin Shakespeare Company on April 5, 2024. elainemagree.com
Barbara Saunders writes about the intersection of (auto)biography, history, and myth. She has featured at Monday Night Marsh, poetry readings, and storytelling events in the Bay Area. Barbara’s writing a memoir about her youth in the hopes of accelerating the journey to her second childhood.
Bennet Caffee’s storytelling highlights his experiences with bipolar disorder. He has performed his full length show, My First Miracle – Adventures in Bipolar Disorder, to critical acclaim at numerous Fringe Festivals across the US and Canada. Presently he plans to continue touring festivals with his new show, Orange you glad to be in Miami? which premiered last August at the Nanaimo Fringe Festival.