July 30, 2024

collage of tonight's performers


Kenji Costantini,  Isn’t It Romantic? 
Looking for true love at all the wrong times in all the wrong places? Get the lowdown on the down low from Cabaret artist Kenji Costantini in his delightful new show “Isn’t It Romantic?” … not! 


Jeremy Greco, The Big Snap!
On March 17th, 2020, a lockdown was announced in San Francisco, Jeremy Greco decided to document each day by taking a picture. From these pictures, Greco conducted a series of interviews of people from all walks of life: head of the SF Republican party, John Dennis, author Nicole Galland, and many others. All of whom discussed their year of COVID, Trump and their hopes for the future—without Snapping.

Marion Lovinger, How to Change a Changeling
How do you become a changeling? A substitute. A fraud. A fake baby who replaced the real baby, the good one.
When you are a fairytale character, you have to embark on an imaginary quest. Will there be a happy ending? Can you change a changeling?

Anthony Michael, Threat to Public Safety
A poignant exploration of resilience, the struggle for normalcy, and the complex emotions tied to freedom and reintegration.

Beau Davis, Bat Out of Hell
As a small child Beau never felt like he fit in as “one of the guys”. One day he has a chance to prove his manhood when a bat flies into the house, terrorizing the family. 

About the Performers

Kenji Costantini studied classical voice for 3 semesters at SF State. He has performed both in school operas and professionally at Woodminster Summer Musicals for 3 seasons in musicals such as South Pacific and Oklahoma. He is a proud graduate of Saint Mary’s College and now holds a bachelor’s degree in Theater Performance.

Jeremy Greco’s first solo show, With Held, directed by Mark Kenward, was based on six months of interviews with San Francisco mail artist and writer John Held, Jr. Greco performed his most recent solo work, Keeping Up with the Jorgensons—also directed by Mark Kenward—throughout the US, including the 2017 San Francisco Fringe Festival (where it won a “Best of” award honors), and a Discovery Run at The Marsh Theater.

Beau Ryder Davis is a comedian and storyteller based in Oakland, California. He is an 8-time Moth Story Slam winner, most recent Bay Area Moth GrandSLAM winner, and has appeared on the nationally syndicated Moth Radio Hour. He’s currently working on a show about growing up in the rural mountain town of Hazard, Kentucky, which was rated “the least happy town in America” in 2008 by the esteemed Dr. Oz television show. He promises this show is funny and not as sad as Hazard.   

Marion Lovinger started writing solos 10 years ago, developing them with David Ford. She performed many times at the Marsh and Stage Werx. Trying to make sense of memories and experiences with humor and critical hindsight proved to be the most enlightening journey that can be. 

Anthony Michael is a multifaceted professional dedicated to personal growth and empowering others. Anthony’s journey is one of resilience and transformation. Through his diverse roles and relentless pursuit of improvement, Anthony strives to create a lasting, positive impact on the lives of those he encounters.

Albertina Zarazúa Padilla is an educator and the Co-Founder of www.MiHistoria.net where she facilitates workshops and curates the online archive.  She is on the board of Luna Dance & Creativity and dances with the Elders Project of Destiny Arts Center.