September 27, 2024

Collage of headshots of featured performers


Bekah Barnett, Lemondrop Love Songs 
How is it that love can inspire both the sweet and the sour? Bekah explores the tender and bittersweet aspects of human connection through her songs that are heartfelt anthems born out of healing, growth, and love. 


Joan BernierThe Captain (excerpt)
What is passed down? How do we navigate in a starless sky? Inspired by the final voyages of Captain Joseph Elzéar Bernier (1852-1934).

Joanne GreenYou Come From a Long Line of Shallow People (excerpt)
My mom, Winnie Green, as she was known to most, was 94 when she died last year of lung cancer. She was brilliant, beautiful and brutal. As I grieve the loss of a mother, whose rejection I felt my entire life, I find myself remembering those moments of love between us that I couldn’t recognize while she was alive.

Ben TuckerThe Wedding
A father/son road trip to a family reunion in Louisiana brings back bittersweet memories, and from this adventure comes another one, in the form of a wedding invitation—to a wedding in China! 

Noemi ZeiglerYou’ve Been Booked (excerpt)
Recently divorced and looking to launch her music career, Noemi flies to Vegas for a meeting with Rama, a record label producer slash spiritual guru. Though the meeting never happens, Noemi undergoes a mind-bending transformation as Rama transfers energy fields with her, guides her through an ayahuasca-induced breakdown, and baptizes her in a swimming pool—ultimately reprogramming her to join his mysterious cult. But after mysticism turns to mayhem, instead of finding herself, Noemi finds herself in jail.

About the Performers

Bekah Barnett’s songs are smart, thoughtful and heartfelt anthems born out of healing, growth and love. Imagine the piano skills of Tori Amos combined with the vocal depth of Fiona Apple. This evening will focus on songs that reflect the tender and bittersweet aspects of love and connection.

Joan Bernier is a theater maker who has performed with Berkeley Rep, Shotgun Players & beyond. She is grateful to have collaborated on this story with David Ford, directed by Rebecca Fisher & performance coaching by Tina D’Elia.

Joanne Green is thrilled to be performing again at TIOT! Her first one-person show was nominated for “Best Solo Show” by The LA Weekly and she’s had several short plays produced both here and in Los Angles. A former member of the LA based improv troupe, The Groundlings, Joanne is currently teaching improvisation to middle schoolers and groups of corporate executives, both of whom help keep her on her toes. This show is dedicated to her daughter, Olivia Levine.

Ben Tucker is a storyteller, author, and podcaster. He specializes in personal and historical stories, fairytales and folktales. He is a board member of the Storytellers Association of California (SAC) and the Prescott Circus Theatre.

Noemi Zeigler earned her MFA in Film Directing from the American Film Institute. Her films and music videos have screened at South By Southwest, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Jewish Film Institute, SF Documentary, Caostica (Bilbao, Spain), Euro Underground and the Student Academy Awards. Her screenplays have won awards at Broad Humor and Female Eye film festivals and have been finalists in the Sundance Screenwriter Lab, Austin Film Festival, Cinestory TV, BlueCat Screenplay Competition, Santa Barbara Screenplay Awards and more.