November 30, 2021


  • Neshama FranklinFolding Chairs, No Music
  • Tim ErenetaAll Shall Be Well
  • Pamela Ann KeaneJuicy

About the Performers

Neshama Franklin started telling as soon as she could talk, made her professional debut as a storytelling witch at the library where she still works, and is going strong three decades later. Check out her work on Youtube. She also has a weekly book blog at and does a biweekly radio show on where she reviews books and tells stories.

Tim Ereneta thinks traditional folk and fairy tales are far too interesting to be reserved for children. His storytelling has been called “sophisticated and badass” (Rives Collins, Associate Professor of Theatre at Northwestern University). Earlier this year, Tim was crowned champion of the Pittsburgh Storytelling Series’ 2021 Folktale Fight.

Pamela Ann Keane is going into her 5th year performing with the Marin Shakespeare Company Returned Citizens Theatre Troupe (RCTT), and her 3rd year performing with Formerly Incarcerated People‘s Performance Project (FIPPP).

October 26, 2021


  • Edward J. Klaus, Happy Mother’s Day
  • Amy Bouchard, Amadeus Never Gives Me the Blues
  • Ginger Parnes, Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen

About the Performers

Edward J Klaus paints every scene with authentic passion, whether on stage or behind the camera. He studied acting at University of Wisconsin-Madison and flexed his performance prowess on many ensemble pieces. When he is not acting, Edward transforms into an elementary school teacher with a heart of gold.

Amy Bouchard has performed with numerous opera and theatre companies. She discovered The Marsh in the fall of 2020 and began developing her first full-length solo show about her grandmother’s singing career with music from the Great American Songbook. Learn more at

Ginger Parne’s was thrilled (in the pre-Covid past) when her name was drawn at The Moth and also to have been a Tell It On Tuesday performer three times! Zoom has enabled her to continue doing storytelling and comedy showcases throughout the past year and a half.

August 31, 2021


  • Pearl OngShe’s No Lady
  • Janet ThornburgElfin Mischief
  • Ben TuckerDon’t Complain

About the Performers

Pearl Ong is a long time San Francisco resident.  In her dotage she has decided that she has stories to tell. She has previously performed on Solo Sundays at StageWerx.

Janet Thornburg has written and performed eight solo shows. During the Pandemic, she has performed Zoom pieces about the insurrection of her coffee cups and another about the paradoxes of saving lives and being saved. Today’s selection is from her current project, the story of her first weeks in San Francisco.

Ben Tucker (Brother Ben) is a storyteller, singer, and author. He tells personal and historical stories, fairytales and folktales. You can find out more about Brother Ben at:

June 22, 2021

16th Anniversary – Livestreamed Performance


  • Sharon Eberhardt, The Mark of the Minotaur 
  • Tim Ereneta, The Master Craftsman
  • Brenna Kelly, Alpaca My Bags

About the Performers

Sharon Eberhardt is excited to be back on Tell It on Tuesday’s stage, even if virtually! She performed her solo shows Savage Arts and Crazy Famous at The Marsh and at Fringe Festivals in Canada and lovely Fresno, California. The Mark of the Minotaur will be on The Marsh’s livestream July 17th and 18th.

Tim Ereneta thinks traditional folk and fairy tales are far too interesting to be reserved for children. Of his storytelling The Washington Post has said his “methodical manner and quiet wit are a refreshing change of pace.” But don’t let his calm demeanor mislead you: Tim recently bested five other competitors to be crowned the champion of the Pittsburgh Storytelling Series’ 2021 Folktale Fight.

Brenna Kelly is a comedian/writer performing across the United States, Australia & New Zealand. She is the Artistic Director of Story Tree Ranch, a destination venue in Mancos, Colorado featuring storytelling, comedy & live music, and 15 acres of adventure with a light-filled Creative Arts Center. Brenna is dedicated to facilitating workshops and entertainment on kicking aside self-imposed bloated nothingness. Time to play, Create Now, No Fear!

March 30, 2021

Livestreamed Performance


  • Linda JoyOnly, Always and Forever
  • Ron Jones, BREANNA & BIRDS
  • Jeanne Lupton, Old Sitting Woman

About the Performers

Linda Joy has been creating and performing monologues and personal stories since 2005 in California, Washington and Arizona. Relocating to the Bay Area in 2016, she studied with David Ford, took improv at BATS and storytelling at Stagebridge where she performed in their Valentines Show at Piedmont Center for the Arts. She was commissioned by The Marsh to create a piece, On The Brink, for its Times Unseen Festival in the Fall of 2018. Linda claims the Southern California coastal strip from La Jolla to Encinitas as home but has lived in major cities, suburbs and rural areas in 16 states and in Japan. Beginning college at the University of San Diego as a theater major, Linda performed both in campus productions and in community theater. Later, she earned an EdD in Language, Culture and Cognition and a PhD in Sociology from Northwestern University and became a Professor.

Ron Jones is a San Francisco writer. He shares his Haight Ashbury home with his wife, grandchildren, and singing garden. Three of his stories – Acorn People, The Wave, and B Ball have been made into award winning TV dramas. Kids Called Crazy was nominated for a Pulitzer and Say Ray was honored as a Before Columbus American Book of the Year. Ron Jones is best known for his story about a Palo Alto classroom experiment on the appeal of fascism. Novelized by Todd Strasser and made into a German Feature film Die Welle ,adapted for theaters worldwide, an extension of this story is available in a Netflix series We Are The Wave. Inspiration for Ron’s work comes from teaching 30 years with the physically and mentally disabled at The Janet Pomeroy Center and volunteering with The Marsh Youth Theater.

Jeanne Lupton has told several times at Tell it on Tuesday and is delighted to be back with new work about her ongoing recovery from mental illness. She is a well-published tanka poet (5-line Japanese form) and participates in the local and international poetry scenes. She leads a weekly memoir group for seniors.

February 23, 2021

Livestreamed Performance


  • Diane Barnes, Not One of Us: Medical, an excerpt
  • Jeff RazThe Whole Megillah, abridged

About the Performers

Diane Barnes is a writer, actor, speaker and retired radiologist. A Meisner trained actor, Diane studied improvisation at BATS and with Keith Johnstone, and with Anna Deveare Smith. A graduate of Stanford, and Yale School of Medicine, she trained at UCSF and Stanford, and practiced at Kaiser before turning to the theater.

Jeff Raz has starred in many plays and circuses, from Corteo with Cirque du Soleil to Comedy of Errors on Broadway. He is a graduate of Dell’Arte International, a playwright and director of dozens of circus, dance, puppet and theater productions. He is a proud advisor to Tell It On Tuesday and has performed a number of pieces on the TIOT stage. His first book, The Secret Life of Clowns, was launched nationally at the Smithsonian, followed by The Snow Clown and now his third Love Death Circus. Along with his performing, directing and writing, Jeff is a communications consultant with the global firm Stand & Deliver.

January 25, 2021

Livestreamed Performance


  • Jeanne HaynesAging Transitions in the Time of Covid with a Dog Named Fancy
  • Carol SteeleA Different Drummer

About the Performers

Jeanne Haynes is thrilled to return to Tell it on Tuesday. As a storytelling instructor at Stagebridge for 20+ years, she has also enjoyed coaching many storytellers who have taken their stories to the Tell it on Tuesday stage. The piece she is performing tonight was developed in a class taught by David Ford. It is centered on the complex, confounding time this year with Covid has been for her and Fancy, her sweet dog.

Carol Steele has a resumé that reads like a Who’s Who of popular music. A renowned percussionist, with a career spanning 30 years, she has performed or recorded with Peter Gabriel, Steve Winwood, Joan Baez, Tears for Fears, Diana Ross, Mongo Santamaria, and many other well-known artists. She started going to Cuba in 1987, where she was the first woman to play with Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, one of Cuba’s iconic folklore groups and calls Cuba as her spiritual home. Carol hopes to honor the depth of all these years of experience in her solo performing!