- Neshama Franklin, Folding Chairs, No Music
- Tim Ereneta, All Shall Be Well
- Pamela Ann Keane, Juicy
About the Performers
Neshama Franklin started telling as soon as she could talk, made her professional debut as a storytelling witch at the library where she still works, and is going strong three decades later. Check out her work on Youtube. She also has a weekly book blog at marinlibrary.org and does a biweekly radio show on KWMR.org where she reviews books and tells stories.
Tim Ereneta thinks traditional folk and fairy tales are far too interesting to be reserved for children. His storytelling has been called “sophisticated and badass” (Rives Collins, Associate Professor of Theatre at Northwestern University). Earlier this year, Tim was crowned champion of the Pittsburgh Storytelling Series’ 2021 Folktale Fight. timereneta.info
Pamela Ann Keane is going into her 5th year performing with the Marin Shakespeare Company Returned Citizens Theatre Troupe (RCTT), and her 3rd year performing with Formerly Incarcerated People‘s Performance Project (FIPPP).