November 29, 2022

Collage of publicity photos of performers David Kleinberg, Abbey Glover, Harriet Patterson


  • Harriet Patterson, How do you like your eggs?
  • Abbey Glover, The Nightrunner (an excerpt)
  • David Kleinberg, He Wants to Run

About the Performers

Harriet Patterson is a Bay-Area based writer, solo performer and nonprofit executive. She has appeared on Bay Area stages at Solo Sundays, Monday Night Marsh and Tell It On Tuesdays. Her first solo show, Sail On!, appeared at the 2018 San Francisco Fringe Festival and the 2017 Boulder International Fringe Festival. Her second show, Unfriending Texas, was developed and workshopped at The Marsh. A native of Dallas, Texas, Harriet lives in the East Bay with her husband and 2 year old daughter. 

Abbey Glover is a San Francisco-based writer, storyteller, and performer. Her work is anchored in a desire to say things that many people think and feel but don’t say aloud for fear of shame, embarrassment, or rejection. Sometimes those things come out funny, sometimes dark, but always, ultimately, hopeful.

David Kleinberg was a writer/editor for the S.F. Chronicle for 34 years, the last 14 as editor of the Sunday Datebook. He then spent 10 years as a stand-up comedian, appearing with five of what Comedy Central labels as the top 100 comedians of all time (Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, Richard Lewis, Bobby Slayton and Sinbad). This is David’s fourth solo theater work, following two works on the Vietnam war: Hey, Hey, LBJ!, about David’s year as an army combat correspondent, and Return to the Scene of the Crime, returning to Vietnam after 50 years to try to perform LBJ in Saigon under threat of arrest from the communist regime.

October 25, 2022


  • Tracy Vernon, Have I Become Crusty Mrs. Krutchmeyer, The Teacher I Hated?
  • Wayne Harris, “Liner Notes 1964”
  • Lisa Rothman, The Scavenger Hunt

About the Performers

Tracy Vernon is an award winning public school teacher working in the East Bay. She enjoys sharing her stories from the classroom and beyond, including how her childhood experiences influence and guide her as a teacher.

Wayne Harris is an award-winning solo performer, writer, educator, curriculum innovator and musician. Wayne’s plays include Mother’s MilkThe May Day Parade, Train Stories, Tyrone Shortleg Johnson and Some White Boys ,and Jockamo. 

Lisa Rothman has entertained audiences in Northern California, Canada, Europe and Asia (all at the same time) with her interactive online show Work From Home: Well That’s Fun, a farce about how her husband’s desk is in their hallway right in front of the bathroom door. It’s raised $30,000 for worthy organizations. She loves creating art that helps build community and recently transformed her backyard in Oakland into a theater.

August 30, 2022

Collage of publicity photos for performers Kenny Yun, Terri Tate, and Abdul Kenyatta.


  • Kenny Yun, Hyphen Murican
  • Terri Tate, A Scintillating Sausalito Summertime Queen
  • Abdul Kenyatta, Strictly Harlem

About the Performers

Kenny Yun is a Bay Area solo performer, teacher, and director. He has taught solo theatre with Charlie Varon for over a decade. He is the Director in Residence at StageWerx.

Terri Tate believes that accessing, embracing and sharing our stories is a path to becoming fully who we are. She’s taught personal storytelling for twenty-five years and now holds safe, supportive memoir classes online. Terri coaches solo performers & memoir writers. Her solo show, Shopping as a Spiritual Path, won Best of the Fringe at the San Francisco Fringe Festival. Terri’s memoir, A Crooked Smile, with an introduction by Anne Lamott, is available from Sounds True.

Abdul Kenyatta is a storyteller. He performs and directs shows for the San Francisco International Art Festival. His stories have appeared on NPR’s Snap Judgment. He has performed on numerous stages around the world and appeared at the Marsh in Berkeley and San Francisco with excerpts of his solo performance pieces Back in the Day and Strictly Harlem. Since 2012, he has been the Executive Director of The Speakeasy Storytelling Series.

June 22, 2022

17th Anniversary Show


  • Laura Jane Bailey, The Paris Effect (excerpt)
  • Scott Schell, Time Machine
  • Marion Lovinger, Covid, drugs and tankinis

About the Performers

Laura Jane Bailey is a Bay Area actress, director and writer. Bay Area audiences have seen her at Aurora Theatre, TheatreWorks Silicon Valley, SF Playhouse, and more. She is also a commercial and film actress—you can see her on every San Francisco Giants broadcast as “Barb,” the over-enthusiastic mom for Heffernan Insurance. LJ will be performing The Paris Effect at the SF Fringe Festival in September.

Scott Schell got involved in drug use at a young age. He moved to the Bay Area in 1997 and was incarcerated a year later. He now works in the jail teaching men tools to change their attitudes and behaviors. Scott recently got involved with the Formerly Incarcerated Peoples Performance Project (FIPPP) where he has started to share his experience through solo performance. 

Marion Lovinger comes from France. She has lived 24 years in the Bay Area. She loves doing theater in French and writing solo performances in English. With an accent.

May 31, 2022

Collage of headshots of performers Paul Sussman, Liz Nichols, Bennet Caffee


  • Paul Sussman, Beyond Belief  (excerpt) 
  • Liz Nichols, Excuse me, sir, do we look OK to you?
  • Bennet Caffee, If anyone else told me that story…

About the Performers

Paul Sussman has written and performed a series of solo pieces through the eyes of Neanderthals, road-ragers, insects, Anabaptists, cannibals, and others who persist in the search for meaning amidst the puzzling evidence. He developed his approach to melodrama and farce through years of work in financial management with Bay Area nonprofit organizations. In recognition of the 2019 premiere of his first full-length show, The Wrong Kind of Pessimism, he now refers to himself in the third person.   

Liz Nichols is happy to be back on the TIOT stage. She has been telling stories for over two decades, on stage, in schools, and at the Asian Art Museum. Liz usually tells the folktales and myths she fell in love with as a child. But this time she’s sharing a hero’s journey of a more personal nature—which scares and excites her in equal measure.

Bennet Caffee began sharing stories of his misadventures with bipolar disorder at the Marsh ten years ago, under the guidance of David Ford and Charlie Varon. His first stories highlighted the “fun part” of his disorder. He then began revealing the darker side of his disorder and his eventual surrender to medical management. From these stories came his full length show My First Miracle, which he’s performed at the Orlando, Boulder and Rogue Fringe Festivals.

April 26, 2022


  • Jeremy GrecoThe Big Snap
  • Kirk WallerDiary of a Mad Black Man: Troy Talk
  • Lisa RothmanWork From Home: Well That’s Fun

About the Performers

Jeremy Greco’s first solo show, With Held, was based on six months of interviews with San Francisco mail artist and writer John Held Jr. He performed his most recent solo work, Keeping Up with the Jorgensons, at the 2017 San Francisco Fringe Festival (“Best of” award honors), New York’s United Solo Theater Festival in 2018, a Discovery Run at The Marsh Theater in San Francisco, Whitefire Theatre’s Solofest 2019 in L.A., and at the Dallas Solo Fest. Both shows were directed by Mark Kenward.

Kirk Waller is fresh off of the Pittsburg Community Theatre’s production of August Wilson’s Fences and Troy Maxson is still lingering, trying to break out. Kirk tells stories, acts, sings (doesn’t dance any more) plays instruments and bakes cakes!

Lisa Rothman’s critically acclaimed shows include Date Night at Pet Emergency and Dragon in the Drop-Off Lane have sold outShe works from her home with Oakland along with her husband where his desk is in the hallway, right in front of the bathroom door. Benefit performances of Work From Home: Well That’s Fun —the show that layout inspired—have raised $30,000 for worthy organizations. Lisa also does an online version for organizations with remote teams at places like Oracle and Facebook. 

March 29, 2022

Tonight's performers: David Rathod, Barbara Brady, Mark McGoldrick


  • David RathodNight Flight 
  • Barbara Brady, Modess…because
  • Mark McGoldrickDog People (an excerpt) 

About the Performers

David Rathod is a filmmaker who lives and works in San Francisco. He’s directed music videos, films, documentaries, commercials, and made a few hundred promotional films for companies. Having grown up in India, he’s exploring his connection to that crucial part of his life. And for fun, he makes cycling videos, which can be found on YouTube.

Barbara Brady is a writer, singer and performer, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her 2022 schedule includes the Rogue Performance Festival (Fresno, CA) in March and Orlando Fringe Festival in May,.

Mark McGoldrick has presented two acclaimed full-length shows at The Marsh (The Golden Hammer, 2005 (reprised in 2016); and Countercoup, 2007 (reprised in 2021 on Zoom). He recently retired from the Alameda County Public Defender’s Office where he represented poor people in the criminal courts for 27 years. In 2022, he assumed part time duties at the Formerly Incarcerated People’s Performance Project (FIPPP). Mark’s stories often concern the world of indigent criminal defense and disability. He broke his neck in the early 1980s and uses a wheelchair. You can watch Countercoup, available on demand, on The MarshStream